Not all key actors will engage in Stakeholder Dialogues in the same way. Some stakeholders are more difficult to engage. In many organizations, people continually change positions, send new people to meetings without briefing them or drop out of engagement processes pressured by other commitments. This can compromise the momentum and content of dialogue within and beyond the core group. For some new participants, everything may need to slow down or stop until they have been brought up to speed in their role as core group members, supporters or high-level sponsors. A Stakeholder Dialogue process cannot always be delayed, so it pays off to invest very consciously in container-building when new people are brought on board. In such a situation, relationship-building is the key. Weiterlesen →
Why a blog on Stakeholder Dialogue? The challenges of sustainability have reached the entire globalized world. They are far too complex to be solved by the corporate community, the public sector or civil society acting alone. Collaboration is key – we can only co-create a more sustainable way of life by working collectively towards common goals.

© Jérôme Rommé –
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