Schlagwort-Archiv: Stakeholder Dialogue

Pourquoi un Forum de l’Eau à Kairouan?

L’Afrique du Nord est une des régions les plus sèches au monde. En Tunisie, la rareté de l’eau se manifeste surtout dans la partie centrale du pays. Par exemple, dans le gouvernorat de Kairouan (Al-Qayrawan), 150 km au sud de Tunis, les agriculteurs manquent d’eau pour l’irrigation de leurs cultures et dans certains secteurs les sources d’eau potable sont même asséchées.


Comment l’approche dialogique peut-elle améliorer la situation ?

Dans la région de Kairouan l’administration publique et les agriculteurs sont actuellement en désaccord et souvent s’accusent mutuellement d’être à l’origine du problème du manque d’eau. Les uns parce qu’ils seraient des mauvais gestionnaires de la ressource, les autres car ils consommeraient l’eau d’une manière inefficace. Dans une telle situation de manque d’entente, un dialogue entre parties prenantes offre la possibilité de transformer les différences  en une discussion constructive sur les solutions possibles en vue d’établir une collaboration sur des thèmes concrets.


Setting up a global Stakeholder Dialogue

How can we take responsibility for our ONE World?

To answer this question, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) initiated a dialogue process that is unique of its kind.


Image by Ralf Rühmeier


The 12 principles of good engagement process design

_DSC0544Designing a more sustainable value chain for cashew nuts in Ghana or reforming the Cambodian Land Ministry – depending on the issues at stake and the actors involved, Stakeholder Dialogues can take very different forms and hold diverse challenges. Still, there are some principles that are crucial for the success of any change process. Here is a list of the 12 main principles that the Collective Leadership Institute has refined over the last years that will help you kick-start your engagement processes. Weiterlesen

Community-based natural resource management in Namibia

On we regularly feature success stories of initiatives and projects that have applied a dialogic stakeholder approach. The last story to be featured this year is the story of how community based natural resource management was turned into a succes in Namibia.

After the apartheid in Namibia the black population in Namibia was left with no chance of owning land titles or wildlife. As a result there was no incentive for them to care for the land they lived on – as a consequence over the years wildlife and natural resources soon decreased. To tackle this problem a new conservancy policy was introduced in 1996. Under the policy communities can register for the land they live on to be declared a conservancy – the communities in return have to look after the wildlife and are entitled to benefit from the utilization of wildlife.

Namibia Conservancies


A couple of weeks ago I interviewed Karine Nuulimba of the Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) an organization that, together with the WWF, played a major role in initiating this change process in Namibia. The interview with Karine was very inspiring – she passionately shared her insights with me on the success factors of the people-centered community-based natural resource management – an approach that is rooted in the fruitful collaboration between local communities, government bodies and NGOs.

So here is what worked for them: Weiterlesen

Making Stakeholder Engagement in Public-Private Partnerships work

Since the onset of the financial crisis in 2007, especially African infrastructure development is facing a major challenge in attracting private sector and foreign direct investment. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) hold great potential for sustainable development that can be leveraged further by applying a stakeholder engagement focus.

Oil pump and sunset

© merial –

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has acknowledged this and contracted the Collective Leadership Institute with our expertise in stakeholder engagement to support the Public Private Dialogue Forum that takes place this week in Johannesburg. Until my colleagues are back to report new insights and experiences made in Johannesburg, here are some tips on improving PPPs efficiency through applying a Stakeholder Dialogue approach.

How to make Stakeholder Engagement in PPPs work:

  1. Create resonance and mobilise positive feedback for investing into a PPP project development among crucial public and private sector players Weiterlesen

A short history of the Dialogic Change Model

Let´s start our learning journey with looking back at the birth of the Dialogic Change Model – the model that lies at the core of our approach to Stakeholder Dialogues. Are you familiar with it yet?

While supporting the 4C project, a cross-sector partnership between coffee traders, producer organizations and international civil society organizations our founder Petra Künkel learned a lot about what factors make a cooperation project successful and how important the quality of dialogue is. Over the years she collected her experiences and developed a model that balances the ancient human knowledge of dialogue and collective intelligence with result-oriented process design and communication architecture. This is how the Dialogic Change Model was born. The model introduces four phases that help you facilitate a process design that is owned by all stakeholders:

Dialogic Change Model

Dialogic Change Model
